The Committee

According to the club constitution the committee can consist of the following members:
President, Vice-Presidents (Senior & Junior), Secretary, Treasurer,
'The Immediate Past President of the Association' (where practical) and ordinary Members.

Mission Statement

The Current Committee

Office Bearers

Secretary/Public Officer
David Woolcock
Mark Slater
Judy Hofmeter
Brian Paatsch

General Committee

David Willis
Neville Bartlett
Louise Peacock
Helen Bishop
Yvonne Schnelle
Marion Jacob

Judy Hofmeyer
David Skinner
Pam Milliken
Bill Cleverly
Malcolm Goode
Wendy Stanford

Support Positions

Assistant Secretary
Competition Secretary
Audio Visual Management
Optic Nerve Editor
MyPhotoClub Manager
Pam Milliken
David Skinner
David Willis
David Willis
Bill Thompson
Nevillie Bartlett

Club Mentors

Malcolm Godde
Paul Temple
Mark Slater
Neville Bartlett
David Willis
David Woolcock
Louis Peacock

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