Wodonga/Albury Camera Club Community Projects

Wodonga TAFE Visit (2014) to Promote the Camera Club
In March David, Brian and Eric travelled over to Wodonga TAFE to give a presentation on the Club and its activities.
The class consisted of students aged 16 to 20 in which they wanted to investigate recreation options and some had expressed an interest in the Camera Club. Really they just wanted to know what happens in the camera club? What do we do? How do people join? What are the eligibility requirements? Costs? Equipment needed? etc.
Brian answered their questions and David showed a 8 minute video of some Club Members work which was well received and appreciated.
Benalla Camera Club turns 60 (2014)
David, Brian and Jan travelled down to the Gracebrook Vineyards in the beautiful King Valley to attend The Benalla Camera Club Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
A great day was had by all, with a photo-shoot around the vineyard prior to lunch and the speeches. Their guess speaker was a foundation member who spoke on the history of the club during his time there. Following this a trivia quiz was held.
Brian and I would like to thank Jen and the Benalla CC for their invitation and wish the club well in the future. (Perhaps not so well in this years 'Paatsch' Shield though).