Club History Page 2 (Life Members & Service Awards) |
1996 - Sports Photography Exhibition - ARAG
The 'Sports In Albury' exhibition was held in conjunction with the Albury Wodonga
Festival Of Sports 16th February to 3rd
2003 - 50th Anniversary Celebrations
The 50th Anniversary celebrations were quite significant for the club. A grant was obtained from the City of Albury to help fund many of the activities for the year. Albury City was kind enough to also allow the WACC to hold exhibitions at the Albury Regional Museum and the Albury Regional Art Gallery. Several significant events accompanied the clubs 50th birthday:
- An exhibition of current and former members photographs at the Albury Regional Art Gallery. This was entitled 'Here and Now' ran from the 17th January - 16th February 2003. Twenty-nine photographers took part in this exhibition of recent photography.
- An exhibition of historical club items and photographs as well as a collection of photographic equipment used throughout the period 1953
- 2003 was held at the Albury Regional Museum in February/March 2003. This exhibition of equipment was extremely relevant at a time when
digital photography was starting to overtake film photography as the medium of choice for photographers.
The exhibition was entitled 'Time Exposure: Fifty years of the Wodonga Albury Camera Club and was largely curated by club member Paul Temple with the assistance of museum personnel. - An Anniversary Dinner was held on the 5th February 2003 (the actual anniversary of the first meeting) at Elgin's Hotel in Wodonga. This dinner was attended by current members as well as several founding members of the club.
2003 - 5Oth Anniversary Celebrations
The 50th Anniversary celebrations were quite significant for the club. A grant was obtained from the City of Albury to help
fund many of the activities for the year. Albury City was kind enough to also allow the WACC to hold exhibitions at the Albury
Regional Museum and the Albury Regional Art Gallery.
Golden Anniversary Celebration Dinner was on Wednesday 5th February and held at Elgin 's in Wodonga and was attended by many of the club 's members and former members.
2004 - Damian Parer Photographic Competition
The Damian Parer Competition was an attempt to introduce a higher profile competition to the WACC agenda, an attempt at moving, once again, toward a National Salon of Photography. Destination Albury Wodonga and the SS&A Club gave wonderful support, publicity was quite good, but entries were not substantial. After this the Competition did not continue.
2013 - 60th Anniversary Celebrations
Many club activities and community projects were held throughout the year to celebrate this milestone:
Reflections On High consisted of an exhibition of club memorabilia throughout the years.
Diamond Jubilee Photography Exhibition was held at the Creators Art Space Wodonga.
Diamond Jubilee Anniversary Dinner was held on the 9th February and held at the Panther Sports Club Lavington.
60 Years On: History of the Wodonga Albury Camera Club Publication of the club history. Written by Paul Temple with assistance from David Tilley and layout by Jim Roelofs.
Refer to the Jubilee pages for further details.
Refer to the 60 Years on: History of the Wodonga Albury Camera Club booklet for more club history.
2016 - Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Convention
Wodonga/Albury Camera Club proudly hosted the 2016 V.A.P.S convention from Friday the 3rd of June to Monday the 7th of June at the Albury Commercial Club.
The convention was well attended by people near and far, and it showcased an outstanding range of Prints, EDI Images and AV presentations.
The convention commenced with a traditional welcome to country (Darren Wighton), followed by a warm welcome by Henk van de Ven (Albury Mayor),
followed by Ian Rolfe (VAPS President), and Brian Paatsch (Convention Chairman).
Guest speakers were: Ian Rolf (The Amplified Landscape), David Anderson (War Stories), Mark Galer (Creative Workflow using Adobe Lightroom),
Steve Axford (The Wonderful World of Fungi) and David Taylor (Shooting from Above). WACC Volunteers made their friendly service available at the reception desk.
Mark Slater, David Woolcock and Neville Bartlett joined forces and guided conference delegates around a wet and cold Kremur St Wetlands, whilst Louise Peacock and Brian Paatsch led an photo shoot down the main street of Albury.
On the Monday there was a guided tour of MAMA Art Gallery and photoshoots at the Ettamogah Pub and the Jindera Pioneer Museum.
From top left: Darren Wighton, Henk van de Ven, Brian Paatsch, Ian Rolfe and the Exhibition.

2019 - Life Membership, David Willis
At the June meeting, presentation of Life Membership was bestowed on former President, David Willis.
During David's 11 years in the club he held the position of President for seven years [2011-2018], organised and conducted photographic workshops as well as taking care of the Club's webpage.
He is also our assistant print secretary and the technicial person who operates the computer and projector at meetings.
Life Members
WACC Service Awards
VAPS Service Awards